See also the complementary module:


  • Establish a consolidated and regularly updated legal, regulatory and internal database.
  • Receive periodic alerts about new texts and rules applicable to an entity.

  • Update the regulatory scope in light of regulatory developments.


  • Reliability of continuously updated information.
  • Simplified sharing and distribution of information.

  • Time-saving identification of texts and applicable rules.
  • Anticipation of forthcoming measures from draft legislation.


Reglementeo® is designed to be used in different business processes. Our business-orientated software offers turn-key implementation, or bespoke customisation to specific client needs. Its simple and intuitive interface and functionality provides immediate usability.

The software allows the development of knowledge bases organised by theme, text and requirement, and enables referencing of the entire body of documentation for an organisation:

  • Legal texts (European regulations, directives, laws, decrees, circulars, etc.)
  • System or technical standards
  • Normative texts (system or technical standards)

The texts are analysed, commented on and, if necessary, translated into precise requirements understandable by the entire user community. All these texts are associated with themes, facilitating navigation through the company’s documentation.

The software allows:

  • selection of themes applicable to the organisational scope of each user,
  • automatic identification of texts and applicable requirements,
  • identification of obligations applicable to one or more entities in the organisation and provision of consistency checks,
  • periodic notification of users to new texts and applicable rules within their monitoring area,
  • listing of mandatory documents required for compliance assessment and for meeting regulatory requirements.


  • Centralisation and classification of company documentation.

  • Scope definition, simplified by themes.

  • Accessibility of legal information via transcription into specific requirements.

  • Traceability and continuous updating of collected data.

  • Consistency checking of the regulatory perimeter applicable to several entities of the organisation.

  • Customised regulatory alerts.

  • Multi-criteria search facilitates the identification of internal agreement provisions impacted by new obligations.



Corporate social responsibility Monitoring of texts and requirements CSR regulatory monitoring:
Commercial Code (article 225 Loi Grenelle 2),
Labour Code, Environmental Code. Focus
Human resources Monitoring of texts and requirements Regulatory monitoring in social legislation:
Labour Code, national interprofessional agreements,
collective agreements, branch agreements, group
agreements, company agreements, etc. Focus
Occupational health & safety Monitoring of texts and requirements Regulatory monitoring occupational safety:
Labour Code, Construction and Housing Code,
Public Health Code, traffic regulations, etc. Focus
Property – public establishments Monitoring of texts and requirements Regulatory monitoring in property:
Construction and Housing Code,
safety regulation against fire and panic hazards
in public buildings, earthquake regulations, etc. Focus
Energy efficiency Monitoring of texts and requirements Regulatory monitoring in energy
Environmental Code (energy audit, thermal
regulation, etc.), energy policy, etc. Focus
Environment Monitoring of texts and requirements Environmental regulatory monitoring:
Environmental policy (water, air, waste, ICPE, etc.), Public
Health Code, prefectoral decrees, etc. Focus
Industrial safety Monitoring of texts and requirements Regulatory monitoring in industrial safety:
Environmental Code, gas network safety
(client repository), etc. Focus
Security Monitoring of texts and requirements Regulatory monitoring in security:
Domestic security, General Code of Local Authorities,
transport regulations, Defence Code, etc. Focus
IT security Monitoring of texts and requirements Regulatory monitoring in IT security:
Computing and Freedom law, European regulation on
data protection, cybersecurity and infrastructure
protection, essential operators, Defence Code, etc. Focus
Food safety Regulatory monitoring of products and services
sold by the company
Regulatory monitoring in food safety:
European regulations No. 852/2004 and 853/2004
(hygiene of foodstuffs), No. 315/95
(food contact ), etc. Focus
Quality Regulatory monitoring of products and services
sold by the company
Regulatory monitoring of products and
services sold by the company:
European regulations, decrees etc. Focus